QUICK FIXINS: Roast Beef Dinner

This meal is one of my favorites from my childhood. I always loved this meal, but it wasn't until recently that I even remembered it was in my repertoire! It is delicious, cheap, quick and easy to throw together! 

Traditionally, the roast beef and gravy is served over a slice of white bread. I like it either way, but being wheat-free means avoiding bread. So I happily serve it over mashed potatoes instead! Some people call this an open-faced roast beef sandwich, some call it Beef Manhattan.  I call it quick roast beef and it is an amazing and quick meal. 

You can use roast beef fresh from your local deli, but if you do not have access to that, or are on a budget (like me), pre-packaged sandwich meat is perfectly fine! They typically come in 7 oz packages, but I buy a Family pack with 14 oz. However, 7 oz should be enough to feed two hungry adults. 

First step, you'll need to prepare two packets of brown gravy as instructed on the packet. Mix the powder and water in a sauce pan. 

Next, cut the roast beef into bite sized pieces (I usually just cut it into thirds) and separate them from each other, then place them into the gravy. Let the roast cook in the gravy, until the gravy boils and is thickened, per packet instructions. You can also use jarred brown gravy, or your own homemade gravy, but this is my quick and easy way! It is very important, however, to cook your roast beef in the gravy. Just like finishing pasta in its sauce, the flavors of the gravy and roast beef will mingle and enhance the other! Pouring gravy over some roast beef just isn't as good. 

Spoon it out of the pan onto a slice of bread, or on top of mashed potatoes, and TA-DA you're ready for dinner. I make this meal when I don't feel like chopping or standing over the stove for an hour. This recipe is my go-to easy dinner, and I see why my Maa made it so often when I was a kid. I like to serve it with mashed potatoes, dilled sweet peas, and spicy glazed carrots. 
