Silver Dollar Buttermilk-Pecan Pancakes

Isn't brunch great? You don't have to get up early and cook while you're half asleep and cranky. You don't have to stick to breakfast foods either. You can get up at 8:30 am and cook whatever you want. It's the casual Friday of morning meals (not as casual as leftover, cold pizza-but not a buffet-style breakfast either!) Continuing my adventures with finding breakfast foods I can eat (wheat-free breakfast is impossible!) I ordered Bobby Flay's Brunch @ Bobby's cookbook!

I quickly realized that most of the recipes in this book are not wheat-free. Bummer. But a miracle happened! My local Kroger stocks Bob's Red Mill Gluten-free All Purpose Flour! This flour is the absolute closest I have ever tasted to "normal" wheat flour. It's not gritty, it doesn't taste nutty, and it's affordable! *Best Levar Burton voice* But don't take my word for it! Here's Bob Red Mill himself to talk about it! And you can't not trust a man wearing a flat cap and bolo necktie.

So now that we have our flour, let's make some pancaaaakes! 

As per the description in the cookbook, "buttery pecans add a mild, nutty crunch to these light-as-can-be pancakes. Paired with the deep, almost smoky flavor of a bourbon molasses butter, it's like having pecan pie for brunch." I skipped the bourbon molasses butter this time, but even without it, these pancakes are delicious! 

So, the first step is to mix together our wet ingredients: vanilla, eggs, buttermilk and melted butter. If you can't get vanilla bean pods, don't worry, just add an extra 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract. 
Then, we mix our dry ingredients in a separate bowl-flour, finely chopped pecans, both types of sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt and chopped pecans (optional). Then pour the wet into the dry, and don't over-mix. Mix just enough to combine, or you'll have tough pancakes!

Let your batter sit for at least 15 minutes, up to an hour, to let your batter have some time to soak up all the flavors and let your baking powder and baking soda do their thing, so we can have fluffy pancakes! 

If you're serving a few people, line a baking sheet with parchment paper and stick in a 250 degree oven. As you stack up your silver dollar pancakes, place them on this tray in the oven to keep them warm!

Before we start cooking, remember that the first batch is always garbage! This is your chance to test one or two out, see if your pan is hot enough, or too hot, and if your batter is working well. Adjust accordingly and try again!

So sad. So terrible. Still tasty, just the first batch.
It's pretty much a law at this point that the first batch will turn out awful. 

Now, for pancake making, take two! Heat your griddle over medium heat and melt some butter in there. Once it starts to bubble, pour pancake batter in, about 2 Tablespoons. The size is entirely up to you, but there's something so satisfying about a giant stack of little pancakes, plus they cook faster the smaller they are! 

Cook until bubbles start to form and burst, about 2 minutes. This lets you know that your pancakes are about ready to flip, without you having to take peaks underneath. Flip, and cook on the other side for another minute or two.

Once all your pancakes are cooked up, and ready to serve, top them with whatever topping you prefer. Me, I like plain old pancake syrup and some bananas on the side! 

Buy your own copy of Brunch @ Bobby's here and try out all the brunchy yummy foods for yourself!
